The several factors that cause hypertension: See if you are the target of hypertension?


Hypertension is a disease that is more prone to high incidence in humans, and there are many reasons that can cause hypertension, not solely due to a lack of attention to lifestyle habits. There are two types of this type of disease: primary and secondary. The primary cause of the disease is uncertain and has multiple influencing factors. The secondary cause is due to the presence of certain diseases, which lead to the emergence of hypertension. So, let's mainly talk about the causes of primary hypertension, and what factors can lead to the high incidence of such diseases?

The several factors that cause hypertension: See if you are the target of hypertension?

1. Caused by genetic factors

If parents want a healthy baby, they must control their blood pressure within a good range before having a baby. If one parent suffers from a serious condition of this kind, then the child is likely to inherit hypertension. When investigating a group of people suffering from this type of disease, the survey results showed that more than 40% of them were due to parents having a history of hypertension. The parents did not have hypertension, and the probability of their children suffering from hypertension was only 3%.

2. Obesity

Many people with relatively obese bodies will experience high blood pressure. Obesity can not only cause high blood pressure, but also easily lead to many systemic diseases such as coronary heart disease, cholecystitis, arthritis, etc. Losing weight is the main way to alleviate hypertension. There are many obese individuals who, after successfully losing weight, can get rid of blood pressure lowering drugs and achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

3. People with bad temper who are easily angered

Some people may be under high work pressure or be cautious. I often get angry and have a bad mood. This type of person is also the main group of people who are prone to this type of disease. People who are often under tension, anxiety, and significant pressure are more likely to suffer from elevated blood pressure. If these people rely solely on blood pressure lowering drugs for treatment, the effect is often not very good because emotions play a dominant role.

The several factors that cause hypertension: See if you are the target of hypertension?

4. Dietary issues

Diet is the main cause of high blood pressure, and many people have a heavy taste and eat too salty food! Excessive calcium or sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure. If the intake of calcium in the diet is too high, it not only easily leads to an increase in blood pressure, but also causes blood vessels to become brittle, which is more likely to cause blood vessel rupture. If potassium intake can be increased, it can help lower blood pressure.

5. Regularly taking contraceptive pills

Women over 35 years old are prone to elevated blood pressure. Hypertension caused by oral contraceptives is generally mild and reversible, and blood pressure usually returns to normal 3-6 months after discontinuing the contraceptives.

6. Long term smoking and drinking

In recent years, research has shown that. Long term smoking and drinking can increase the risk of developing hypertension.

From the above points, it can be seen that the adverse factors that trigger such diseases often come from some bad habits in daily life. Although genetic factors cannot be changed, they can be improved and prevented through habits in daily life.

The several factors that cause hypertension: See if you are the target of hypertension?

Kind reminder:

Please do not blindly trust experts. Whether what experts say is correct or not requires continuous clinical trials to verify, and there will inevitably be some expert suggestions that may be falsified. Don't underestimate experts either, because before the guidelines are formulated, we need to follow their opinions, and the development of guidelines should first refer to their opinions.

(Images from the internet)

